About me

I am currently a Computational Physicist working at IFIMUP, and the FCT project Lead of DMag (Demagnetizing-based magnetocaloric refrigeration; PTDC/EME-TED/3099/2020). I have more than 10 years of experience writing Python code, which includes expertize in using standard libraries (numpy, matplotlib, pandas, sklearn, flask, django), and more than 5 years of experience using machine learning algorithms to solve optimization problems. Among other projects, I developed the heatrapy Python package (that has been downloaded more than 55000 times), I was one of the co-founders of the matfinder platform - web database of materials, and I was the Fullstack developer of the web platform computeheat.


2014: Doctoral degree (PhD) in physics

obtained with distinction at the University of Porto, Portugal (in collaboration with the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN, Switzerland, and the “Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon). Title of the thesis: 'Latice location of transition metals in silicon by means of emission channeling'

2010: Master degree in Physics Engineering

obtained at the Faculty of Science of the University of Porto, Portugal. Final grade: 17 (out of 20). Title of the thesis: 'Simulation and optimization of magnetic micro-refrigeration systems'

2008: Bachelor degree in Technological Physics

obtained at the Faculty of Science of the University of Porto, Portugal. Final grade: 17 (out of 20)

Professional experience

02/2019 - ongoing: Computational Physicist

at IFIMUP, Porto, Portugal

03/2017 - 11/2019: Software Engineer

at matFinder.io

05/2017 - 01/2019: Computational Physicist

at CICECO, Aveiro, Portugal

09/2016 - 04/2017: Research Scientist

at IFIMUP, Porto, Portugal

01/2016 - 08/2016: R&D engineer

at BOSCH Thermotechnology, Aveiro, Portugal

01/2015 - 07/2015: Postdoctoral researcher

at KU Leuven, Belgium