- heatrapy, python library for computing heat transfer processes in solids for 2-dimensional models (author of the whole library, 2018-maintenance ongoing)
- matfinder, web database of materials physical properties (Backend developer: postgresql database architect and flask API author, 2021)
- computeheat, compute heat transfer processes involving heat conduction of stacks of materials (Full Stack developer of the whole web platform: API coded in Flask and web application coded in React.js, 2018)
- sequency, web game: make series of three consecutive numbers horizontally and vertically (Full Stack developer of the whole web platform: API coded in node.js and web application coded in React.js, 2018)
- physplotlib, python library for plotting data from log files created during numerical simulations (author of the whole library, 2017)
- personalwebpage, my personal webpage (Full Stack developer, coded in django, 2017)
- memristivenetworks, python library for simulating memristive networks (author of the library, 2017)
- resswitch, GUI for analyzing resistive switching data (author of the whole app, 2017)
- interlude, upgrade of the prelude software, written in C++, for analyzing PAC data at the ISOLDE facility, CERN (member of the team, 2009)