
  1. Rod mangle rotation patterns for magnetic field generation, C. R. Fernandes, J. O. Ventura, D. J. Silva; Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference 2022 (MMM 2022), Minneapolis, USA, 2022.
  2. Magnetically Actuated Thermal Switch System: A Performance Evaluation, V. M. Andrade, A. L. Pires, D. J. Silva, J. S. Teixeira, C. R. Fernandes, C. Pereira, J. Ventura and J. Oliveira; Magnetism in Portugal 2022, Porto, Portugal, 2022.
  3. Predicting magnetic measurements with artificial neural networks, R. M. C. Pinto, J. H Belo, D. J. Silva; Magnetism in Portugal 2022, Porto, Portugal, 2022.
  4. Numerical Study of a Passive Thermal Switch, C. R. Fernandes, D. J. Silva, A. M. Pereira, J. Ventura; 19th International Conference on Nanomaterials (ANM 2021), Aveiro, Portugal, 2021.
  5. Thermal Switches in Solid State Magnetic Refrigeration: Conductivity Change Requirements and Effects, D. J. Silva, J. C. R. E. Oliveira, A. M. Pereira, J. Ventura, J. P. Araújo; Thermag 2021, Maryland, USA, 2021.
  6. Predicting the performance of magnetocaloric heat pumps using machine learning algorithms, D. J. Silva, J. Ventura, J. P. Araújo; Intermag 2021 (INTERMAG 2021), Virtual Conference, 2021.
  7. Predicting the performance of magnetocaloric systems using machine learning regressors, D. J. Silva, J. Ventura, J. P. Araújo; Joint European Magnetic Symposia 2020 (JEMS 2020), Lisbon, Portugal, 2020.
  8. Iterative caloric effects modelling using COMSOL Multiphysics and Matlab LiveLink., A.P. Lopes, T. Santos, D.J. Silva, C. M. Roque, V. S. Amaral, V.A. Costa, J.S. Amaral; COMSOL Cambridge 2019, Cambridge, UK, 2019.
  9. Cooling by sweeping: a new method for solid state ferroic-based refrigeration., D. J. Silva, J. S. Amaral, V. S. Amaral; Thermag 2018, Darmstadt, Germany, 2018.
  10. matFinder - a web materials database, D. J. Silva, J. H. Bello, G. Lobo, S. Sa; empreende + 2018, Aveiro, Portugal, 2018
  11. Thermal Conductivity of Magnetocaloric Materials: Impact of its Temperature Dependency on Magnetic Refrigeration, A. Davarpanah, D.J. Silva, A. Lopes, J.H. da Silva, X. Miao, L. Caron, E. Brück, V.B. Amaral, J.S. Amaral; 62nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Pittsburgh PA, 2017.
  12. Lattice location of 27Mg in GaN: latest results using the emission channeling technique, U. Wahl, L.M. Amorim, V. Augustyns, A. Costa, E. David Bosne, T.A.L. Lima, D.J. Silva, J.G. Correia, M.R. da Silva, K. Temst, A.Vantomme, L.M.C. Pereira, and M.J. Kappers; ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting 2016, Geneva, Switzerland, 2016
  13. Lattice location of implanted transition metals in 3C-SiC, A. Costa, U. Wahl, J.G. Correia, E. David Bosne, L.M. Amorim, V. Augustyns, D.J. Silva, M.R. da Silva, L.M.C. Pereira, and K. Bharuth-Ram; ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting 2016, Geneva, Switzerland, 2016
  14. Drawing the geometry of 3d transition metal-boron pairs in silicon by means of electron emission channeling experiments, D. J. Silva, U. Wahl, Correia, V. Augustyns, T. A. L. Lima, A. Costa, E. Bosne, M. R. da Silva, L. M. C. Pereira, and J. P. Araújo; Ion Beam Analysis Conference 2015, Opatija, Croatia, 2015.
  15. Introduction to emission channeling, V. Augustyns, D. J. Silva, T. A. L. Lima, E. Bosne, A. Costa, A. Vantomme, J. G. Correia, U. Wahl, and L. M. C. Pereira; Workshop on Emission Mössbauer Spectroscopy (WEMS 2015), Linz, Austria, 2015.
  16. Origin of the lattice sites occupied by implanted Co in Si, D. J. Silva, U. Wahl, J. G. Correia, L. M. C. Pereira, L. M. Amorim, M. R. da Silva, J. P. Araújo; VIII Jornadas do IFIMUP-IN, Porto, Portugal, 2014.
  17. Lattice sites of implanted Mg in GaN, U. Wahl, L. M. Amorim, L. M. C. Pereira, S. Decoster, D. J. Silva, J. G. Correia, M. R. da Silva, K. Temst, and A. Vantomme; 19th International Conference on Ion Beam Modification of Materials (IBMM), Leuven, Belgium, 2014.
  18. Lattice location and thermal stability of the implanted transition metals Fe, Co and Ni in silicon of different doping types, D. J. Silva, U. Wahl, J. G. Correia, L. M. C. Pereira, L. Amorim, V. Augustyns, A. Costa, E. Bosne, M. Ribeiro da Silva, J. P. Araújo; ISOLDE Workshop and Users meeting 2013, Geneva, Switzerland, 2013.
  19. Lattice location and thermal stability of the transition metals Fe, Co and Ni in silicon by emission channeling, D. J. Silva, U. Wahl, J. G. Correia, L. M. C. Pereira, L. Amorim, E. Bosne, M. Ribeiro da Silva, S. Decoster, and J. P. Araújo; Gettering and Defect Engineering in Semiconductor Technology (GADEST) 2013, Oxford, UK, 2013
  20. Lattice location experiments of Mg in GaN and AIN: Implanted Mg occupies the octahedral Site, L. M. Amorim, U. Wahl, S. Decoster, L. M. C. Pereira, J. G. Correia, D. J. Silva, K. Temst, and A. Vantomme; 10th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS), Washington DC, 2013.
  21. Emission channeling studies on a challenging case of impurity lattice location: cation versus anion substitution in transition-metal doped GaN and ZnO, L. M. C. Pereira, U. Wahl, J. G. Correia, L. M. Amorim, D. J. Silva, S. Decoster, M. R. da Silva, J. P. Araújo, K. Temst, A. Vantomme; 21st International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis (IBA), Seattle, Washington, 2013.
  22. Lattice sites of Mg in the group-III nitrides, L. M. Amorim, U. Wahl, S. Decoster, L. M. C. Pereira, J. G. Correia, D. J. Silva, K. Temst, and A. Vantomme; 17th International Conference on Radiation Effects in Insulators (REI), Helsinki, Finland, 2013.
  23. Influence of the doping on the preferred sites of Fe and Ni in silicon, D. J. Silva, U. Wahl, J. G. Correia, L. M. C. Pereira, L. M. Amorim, M. R. da Silva, J. P. Araújo; Intensive Program ‘Physics and materials science of nanostructures probed by nuclear methods and intense particle beams, Leuven, Belgium, 2013.
  24. Influence of the doping on the preferred sites of Fe and Ni in silicon, D. J. Silva, U. Wahl, J. G. Correia, L. M. C. Pereira, L. M. Amorim, M. R. da Silva, and J. P. Araújo; Jornadas do MAP-fis 2013, Aveiro, Portugal, 2013.
  25. Localização de metais de transição em silício através da técnica emission channeling, D. J. Silva, U. Wahl, J. G. Correia, J. P. Araújo; 18a conferência nacional de física, Aveiro, Portugal, 2012
  26. Direct measurement of the Mg lattice site location in group III-Nitrides, L. M. Amorim, U. Wahl, S. Decoster, L. M. C. Pereira, J. G. Correia, D. J. Silva, K. Temst, and A. Vantomme; 4th International Symposium on Growth of III-Nitrides, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2012
  27. Lattice location of Ni in Si by means of on-line emission channeling, D. J. Silva, U. Wahl, J. G. Correia, L. M. C. Pereira, L. M. Amorim, E. Bosne, M. M. Ribeiro da Silva, S. Decoster, J. P. Araújo; E-MRS 2012 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, 2012.
  28. Lattice location of the transition metals Co and Ni in Si, D. J. Silva, U. Wahl, J. G. Correia, L. M. C. Pereira, L. M. Amorim, E. Bosne, M. R. da Silva and J. P. Araújo; ISOLDE Workshop and Users meeting 2011, Geneva, Switzerland, 2011
  29. Lattice location of the transition metals Co and Ni in Si, D. J. Silva, U. Wahl, J. G. Correia, L. M. C. Pereira, L. M. Amorim, E. Bosne, M. R. da Silva and J. P. Araújo; VII Jornadas do IFIMUP-IN, Porto, Portugal, 2011
  30. Mg lattice location in group-III nitrides, L. Amorim, U. Wahl, J. G. Correia, L. Pereira, S. Decoster, D. J. Silva, and M. R. da Silva; ISOLDE Workshop and Users meeting 2011, Geneva, Switzerland, 2011


  1. Heatrapy 2.0: a two-dimensional upgrade for computing dynamic heat transfer processes in Python involving non conventional phenomena, D. J. Silva; Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference 2022 (MMM 2022), Minneapolis, USA, 2022.
  2. Rod mangle rotation patterns for magnetic field generation, C. R. Fernandes, J. O. Ventura, D. J. Silva; Magnetism in Portugal 2022, Porto, Portugal, 2022.
  3. Simulating heat transfers in a heat dissipator based on magnetic propulsion, A. B. Paulino, J. H. Belo, A. L. Pires, D. J. Silva; Magnetism in Portugal 2022, Porto, Portugal, 2022.
  4. Heatrapy: a multidimensional tool to compute heat transfer processes, D. J. Silva; Scipy 2021, Virtual conference, 2021.
  5. Thermal switches in solid state magnetic refrigeration: conductivity change requirements and effects, D. J. Silva, A. M. Pereira, J. Ventura, J. P. Araújo, J. C. R. E. Oliveira; Joint European Magnetic Symposia 2020 (JEMS 2020), Lisbon, Portugal, 2020.
  6. Thermal switches in solid state magnetic refrigeration: conductivity change requirements and effects, D. J. Silva, A. M. Pereira, J. Ventura, J. P. Araújo, J. C. R. E. Oliveira; Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference 2020 (MMM 2020), Palm Beach, Florida, USA, 2020.
  7. Interactive modelling of non-conventional thermal processes using COMSOL Multiphysics and MATLAB Livelink., A. Lopes, T. Santos, D. J. Silva, C. M. Roque, V. S. Amaral, V. A. Costa, J. S. Amaral; Jornadas CICECO 2018, Aveiro, Portugal, 2018.
  8. Modeling and dimensioning magnetocaloric heat pumps., D. J. Silva, A. Lopes, J. S. Amaral, V. S. Amaral; Thermag 2018, Darmstadt, Germany, 2018.
  9. Cooling by Sweeping: Establishing a Ferroic-based Refrigeration Cycle with Field Dynamics., D. J. Silva, J. S. Amaral, V. S. Amaral; International Conference on Magnetism 2018 (ICM 2018), San Francisco, USA, 2018.
  10. Improving speed and flexibility of COMSOL simulations, A. P. Lopes, T. Santos, D. J. Silva, V. S. Amaral, V. A. Costa, J. S. Amaral; Jornadas CICECO 2018, Aveiro, Portugal, 2018.
  11. Heatrapy: a flexible python framework to compute thermal processes, D. J. Silva, J. S. Amaral, V. S. Amaral; Jornadas CICECO 2018, Aveiro, Portugal, 2018.
  12. Thermal switches requirements and effects in solid state magnetic refrigeration, B. D. Bordalo, D. J. Silva, J. B. Puga, J. P. Araújo, J. C. R. E. Oliveira, A. M. Pereira, J. Ventura; 7th International Conference on Magnetic Refrigeration at Room Temperature (Thermag VII), Turin, Italy, 2016.
  13. On the Operating Conditions of Solid-State Magnetic Refrigerators, B. Bordalo, D. J. Silva, J. Puga, J. P. Araújo, J. Oliveira, A. Pereira, and J. Ventura, 7th International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials, Aveiro, Portugal, 2016.
  14. Novel Magnetically Actuated Thermal Switches, J. B. Puga, B. D. Bordalo, D. J. Silva, M. M. Dias, J. H. Belo, J. P. Araújo, A. M. Pereira, J. Ventura, and J .C. R. E. Oliveira; 1st International Conference on Materials Design and Applications, 2016.
  15. Lattice location of implanted 111Ag in 3C-SiC, A. Costa, J. G. Correia, U. Wahl, L. M. C. Pereira, M. R. da Silva, D. J. Silva, and K. Bharuth-Ram; ISOLDE Workshop and Users meeting 2015, Geneva, Switzerland, 2015
  16. Lattice location of implanted 56Mn in 3C-SiC, A. Costa, U. Wahl, J. G. Correia, L. M. Amorim, L. M. C. Pereira, M. R. da Silva, D. J. Silva, and K. Bharuth-Ram; 28th International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors (ICDS), Espoo, Finland, 2015.
  17. Lattice location of implanted 56Mn in 3C-SiC, A. Costa, U. Wahl, J. G. Correia, L. M. Amorim, L. M. C. Pereira, M. R. da Silva, D. J. Silva, and K. Bharuth-Ram; ISOLDE Workshop and Users meeting 2014, Geneva, Switzerland, 2014.
  18. Numerical simulation of a fully solid state magnetic micro-refrigerator, D. J. Silva, A. M. Pereira, J. Ventura, B. D. Bordalo and J. P. Araújo, 5th International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials, Aveiro, Portugal, 2014.
  19. Magnetic Refrigeration: towards a fully solid state device, D. J. Silva, A. M. Pereira, J. Ventura, B. D. Bordalo and J. P. Araújo; INTERMAG 2014, Dresden, Germany, 2014.
  20. Lattice sites of implanted Co measured by on-line Emission Channeling, D. J. Silva, U. Wahl, J. G. Correia, L. M. C. Pereira, L. M. Amorim, M. R. da Silva, J. P. Araújo; INTERMAG 2014, Dresden, Germany, 2014.
  21. Cation Versus Anion Substitution in Transition-Metal Doped ZnO, L. M. C. Pereira, U. Wahl, J. G. Correia, L. M. Amorim, D. J. Silva, J. P. Araujo, K. Temst, and A. Vantomme; Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society (MRS), Symposium R on “Oxide Semiconductors”, Boston, Massachusetts, 2013
  22. Lattice location of implanted 59Fe in 3C-SiC, A. Costa, U. Wahl, J. G. Correia, L. M. Amorim, L. M. C. Pereira, M. R. da Silva, D. J. Silva, and K. Bharuth-Ram; ISOLDE Workshop and Users meeting 2013, Geneva, Switzerland, 2013
  23. Emission channeling studies on Mn-doped GaAs: high thermal stability of interstitial Mn in the low Mn-doping regime, L. M. C. Pereira, U. Wahl, J. G. Correia, L. M. Amorim, D. J. Silva, S. Decoster, M. R. da Silva, J. P. Araújo, K. Temst, A. Vantomme; 21st International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis (IBA), Seattle, Washington, 2013
  24. Mn-implanted GaAs: interstitial vs substitutional sites, L. M. C. Pereira, U. Wahl, J. G. Correia, L. M. Amorim, D. J. Silva, S. Decoster, M. R. da Silva, J. P. Araújo, K. Temst, A. Vantomme; International conference on defects in semiconductors 2013, Bologna, Italy, 2013
  25. Influence of the doping on the lattice sites of Fe in Si, D. J. Silva, U. Wahl, J. G. Correia, J. P. Araújo; International conference on defects in semiconductors 2013, Bologna, Italy, 2013
  26. Lattice sites of implanted Mg in GaN and AlN, L. M. Amorim, U. Wahl, S. Decoster, L. M. C. Pereira, J. G. Correia, D. J. Silva, K. Temst, and A. Vantomme; Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS), Strasbourg, France, 2013
  27. Lattice location of the transition metals Fe and Ni in Si by means of emission channeling from implanted radioactive isotopes, D. J. Silva, U. Wahl, J. G. Correia, L. M. C. Pereira, L. Amorim, E. Bosne, M. Ribeiro da Silva, J. P. Araújo; Eurisol meeting 2012, Lisbon, Portugal, 2012
  28. Solid state magnetic refrigerator, D. J. Silva, B. D. Bordalo, A. M. Pereira, J. Ventura, J. P. Araújo, INTERMAG 2012, Vancouver, Canada, 2012.
  29. Lattice location of Ni in Si by means of on-line emission channeling, D. J. Silva, U. Wahl, J. G. Correia, L. M. C. Pereira, L. M. Amorim, E. Bosne, M. M. Ribeiro da Silva, S. Decoster, J. P. Araújo; E-MRS 2012 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, 2012
  30. Lattice location of the transition metals Mn, Co and Ni in Si, D. J. Silva, U. Wahl, J. G. Correia, L. M. C. Pereira, L. M. Amorim, E. Bosne, M. R. da Silva, S. Decoster, J. P. Araújo; Jornadas do MAP-fis 2012, Braga, Portugal, 2012
  31. Micro-MagCool:Micro-cooling units using magneto-caloric materials, D. J. Silva, A. M. Pereira, J. Ventura, J. Amaral, M. Reis, V. Amaral, J. C. R. E. Oliveira, J. P. Araújo; International Workshop on Non Crystalline Solids (IWNCS) 2010, Barcelona, Spain, 2010
  32. Performance Optimization of a magneto-caloric refrigerator: micro-channels and rotatory systems, D. J. Silva, A. M. Pereira, B. Bordalo, J. C. R. E. Oliveira, J. Ventura, J. P. Araújo; Investigação Jovem da Universidade do Porto 2010 (IJUP 2010), Porto, Portugal, 2010